Arthur Asa Berger

Vietnam Tourism

Book DescriptionExplore the travel/tourism possibilities of this exotic yet tourist-friendly country Vietnam Tourism presents a unique ethnographic-semiotic analysis of some of the most important touristic icons in Vietnamese culture. In ...

Stewart Gross Becky

Leaders Communication Toolkit

Book DescriptionA practical guide for 21st century business leadersLeader?s E-mail, cell phones, video conferences, voice mail?ever feel like there are too many communication tools and not enough guidance in using them? You need ...

Mark Cook

Personnel Selection

Book DescriptionPopular with students, academics and professionals alike, this is the fourth edition of Personnel Selection. A thoughtful, entertaining and comprehensive text, this edition has been thoroughly revised to focus on the key issues and ...

Carol T. Kulik

Human Resources for the Non-HR Manager

Book DescriptionHuman Resources for the Non-HR Manager appeals to anyone interested in management issues. The book explains why human resource issues are increasing the responsibilities of front-line managers rather than the HR department. Chapters ...

<<<  Robert Lynch. Rethinking Growth Strategies: How State and Local Taxes and ...             Craig Settles. I Only Have ROIs for You >>>

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