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Arthur Asa Berger Vietnam Tourism
Book DescriptionExplore the travel/tourism possibilities of this exotic yet tourist-friendly country Vietnam Tourism presents a unique ethnographic-semiotic analysis of some of the most important touristic icons in Vietnamese culture. In
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Stewart Gross Becky Leaders Communication Toolkit
Book DescriptionA practical guide for 21st century business leadersLeader?s E-mail, cell phones, video conferences, voice mail?ever feel like there are too many communication tools and not enough guidance in using them? You need
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Mark Cook Personnel Selection
Book DescriptionPopular with students, academics and professionals alike, this is the fourth edition of Personnel Selection. A thoughtful, entertaining and comprehensive text, this edition has been thoroughly revised to focus on the key issues and
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Carol T. Kulik Human Resources for the Non-HR Manager
Book DescriptionHuman Resources for the Non-HR Manager appeals to anyone interested in management issues. The book explains why human resource issues are increasing the responsibilities of front-line managers rather than the HR department. Chapters
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