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Mary Mills Barrow Sun Protection For Life: Your Guide To A Lifetime Of Healthy & Beautiful Skin
Amazon.comSunny days are meant to be spent outdoors--but the sun is decidedly a mixed blessing. With an explosion in skin cancer and an unending array of anti-wrinkle creams, proper care is confusing--and the facts heard through the media are often
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Marie-Louise Gay The Three Little Pigs
Book Description"It has always been one of my favorite fairy tales. It is a joyful, heart-thrilling story in which children can easily recognize their emotions. They see their own doubt, insecurity, fear, and courage in every one of the little pigs
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Wynton Marsalis, Selwyn Seyfu Hinds To a Young Jazz Musician: Letters from the Road
In To a Young Jazz Musician , the renowned jazz musician and Pulitzer Prize—winning composer Wynton Marsalis gives us an invaluable guide to making good music–and to leading a good life. Writing from the road “between the bus ride, the sound
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Konstantin Stanislavsky Konstantin Stanislavsky 1863-1963: Man and Actor : Stanislavsky and the World Theatre : Stanislavsky's Letters
Book DescriptionOriginally published in the Soviet Union in 1963, this is a Stanislavsky centennial collection. It contains excerpts from memoirs referring to the great Russian actor and stage director. There are passages by Maxim Gorky, Anatoly
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