Katherine B. Chauncey

Low-Carb Dieting For Dummies

Book DescriptionReduce your weight, your cholesterol, and your blood pressure Get the facts about carbs and get serious about improving your health Curious about going low-carb? This plain-English guide explains the latest research ...

Levi Buchanan

Yu-Gi-Oh! Capsule Monster Coliseum : Prima's Official Strategy Guide

Book Description Become the Capsule Monster King! ·Maps and board strategies for each Area ·Complete monster list ·Board effects and movement options ·Battling strategies and Deck assembly advice ...

C. P., M.D. Li

Chinese Herbal Medicine

Book DescriptionMany Chinese herbal remedies have been proven to work, but have not been adopted into Western medicine to any large or accepted degree. Most of the natural medicines described in this book are from ancient sources. They were ...

Anne Hines

The Spiral Garden

Book DescriptionMoses never saw the Promised Land. King David didn't get to build the Temple. Jesus preached an unpopular message and died on the cross. Reverend Ruth Broggan thinks God has something to answer for. Unsatisfied with traditional ...

<<<  Jack Wasserman. Leonardo da Vinci (Masters of Art)             Hazel Soan. Vibrant Watercolours (Collins Learn to Paint S.) >>>

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