Josephine Nobisso

In English, Of Course

Book DescriptionSet in the Bronx during the 1950s, when postwar immigrant children were placed in their first American classrooms, this delightful story tells of the riotous linguistic misunderstandings of Josephine's first day of school. The ...

Dan Gutman

Back in Time with Benjamin Franklin : A Qwerty Stevens Adventure (Qwerty Stevens Adventures (Paperback))

Book Description One minute Qwerty Stevens is researching a last-minute report on the Internet, and the next minute Benjamin Franklin is sitting on his bed! Thanks to the Anytime Anywhere Machine hooked up to his computer, Qwerty has snatched ...

Holly Payne

Sound of Blue, The : A Novel

Book Description A hauntingly beautiful new novel from the author of The Virgin?s Knot . Sara Foster has left America for the adventure of a lifetime?teaching English to the sons and daughters of statesmen in ...

Janine Warner

Creating Family Web Sites For Dummies

Book DescriptionAdd multimedia, post the family calendar, and save time with templates Introduce your new baby, share the family tree, or plan a reunion on the Web With families scattered all across the country, the best family ...

<<<  Lea Wait. Seaward Born             Hazel Soan. Vibrant Watercolours (Collins Learn to Paint S.) >>>

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