Gerard M. Hill

The Complete Project Management Office Handbook

Book DescriptionToday's project managers find themselves in the dual roles of technical expert and business leader. As project management has evolved, the need has emerged for an organizational entity to manage complexities and ensure alignment with ...

Alex Rovira

Good Luck : Creating the Conditions for Success in Life and Business

Book Description Good Luck is a whimsical fable that teaches a valuable lesson: good luck doesn’t just come your way—it’s up to you to create the conditions to bring yourself good luck. Written by Alex Rovira and Fernando ...

Paul D. Kimmel

Financial Accounting, Beacon Lumber: An Active Learning Intro. to Financial Accounting : Tools for Business Decision Making

Book DescriptionNow in its Third Edition, Financial Accounting by Kimmel, Weygandt, and Kieso has been tested and approved in the classroom. This best-selling text has helped students hit the road with a practical set of tools, and the ...

J. R. Dyson

Accounting for Non-Accounting Students

Book DescriptionThis book has firmly established itself over five editions as the market leading text in its field. This highly regarded text offers a clear and non-technical introduction to the basic principles of both financial and management ...

<<<  Peter L. Bernstein. Peter L. Bernstein Classics Boxed ...             Souvenir de Moscou. Альбом фотографий. Набор фотографий видов Москвы, сделанных ... >>>

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