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A. R. Harding Ginseng and other Medicinal Plants
Book Description1908. A book of valuable information for growers as well as collectors of medicinal roots, barks, leaves, etc. Partial Contents: medicinal value, wild plants, diseases, marketing and prices, medicinal qualities, China, Michigan mint
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Lila Guzman Lorenzo's Revolutionary Quest
Book DescriptionThis exciting action-adventure for young-adults continues the story of the Spanish contribution to the American Revolution In his last adventure, Lorenzo Bannister swept across the southern colonies of England and Spain, from the
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Anonymous 1000 Poems from the Manyoshu : The Complete Nippon Gakujutsu Shinkokai Translation
Book Description Dating from the eighth century and earlier, the Manyoshu is the oldest Japanese poetry anthology--and it's widely considered to be the best. A committee of distinguished scholars chose 1,000 poems from more than 4,500
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Cynthia DeFelice The Missing Manatee
Book Description A tribute to Florida, fishing, and family All Skeet Waters wants is to catch a big, beautiful tarpon on his fly rod - and to keep everything else in his life in Florida the way it's always been. But on his spring
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