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George A. Steiner Business, Government and Society : A Managerial Perspective
Book DescriptionBusiness, Government and Society, by Steiner and Steiner, was one of the very first books in this course area and has benefited greatly from the reputation of its authors. George Steiner, the father in this father-and-son team, is
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Stephen G. Powell The Art of Modeling with Spreadsheets : Management Science, Spreadsheet Engineering, and Modeling Craft
Book DescriptionSuccessful business modeling is much more than a technical discipline; it's an art. And as in most professional disciplines, you can tell the experts apart from the novices by the creativity they bring to the craft. That's why Steve
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Ronald W Hilton Managerial Accounting : Creating Value in a Dynamic Business Environment w/PowerWeb/OLC, and Net Tutor card
Book DescriptionThe emphasis of MANAGERIAL ACCOUNTING, 6e is on teaching students to use accounting information to best manage an organization. In a practice Hilton pioneered in the first edition, each chapter is written around a realistic
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Jay R. Galbraith Designing the Customer-Centric Organization : A Guide to Strategy, Structure, and Process (Jossey Bass Business and Management Series)
Book Description Designing the Customer-Centric Organization offers todaya??s business leaders a comprehensive customer-centric organizational model that clearly shows how to put in place an infrastructure that is organized
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