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Mark Turner Backward Glances : Cruising Queer Streets in London and New York
Book Description Backward Glances is about the male cruiser in London and New York. Drawing on novels, poems, pornography, journalism, gay guides, paintings, graffiti, and other manifestations of urban cultural production, Backward
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Clemens Steenbergen Architecture and Landscape: The Design Experiment of the Great European Gardens and Landscapes
Book DescriptionThe great parks and gardens of Europe come alive by the skilful interplay of natural landscape and architectural elements. Throughout the ages, this relationship has been treated in different ways. The gardens of the Italian
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Vera David Aesthetics of Ecology: Art in Environmental Design: Theory and Practice
Book DescriptionNumerous tendencies in landscape architecture, science and theory have driven research and landscape transformation for over thirty years. Approaches as different as Ecological Aesthetics, Art in Nature, Ecoart and Reclamation Art
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Ethel Buisson The Presence of the Case Study Houses
Book DescriptionMinimalism, the inspiration of art and wide spaces, lightness and an effective show-casing - these are just a few of the elements that link the Case Study Houses of architects Charles Eames, Eero Saarinen, Richard Neutra, Craig
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