C. S. Lewis

The Voyage of the Dawn Treader Adult CD (Chronicles of Narnia)

In the never-ending war between good and evil, The Chronicles of Narnia set the stage for battles of epic proportions. Some take place in vast fields, where the forces of light and darkness clash. But other battles occur within the small chambers of ...

Vesteinn Olason

Gisli Sursson's Saga and The Saga of the People of Eyri (Penguin Classics)

Book Description Based on oral tales that originated from historical events in tenth-century Iceland, these two sagas follow the fate of a powerful Viking family across two generations, from its early Norwegian ancestry to fierce battles to defend ...

Steve Cash

The Meq (Meq, The)

Book Description In every generation, a fantasy novel is published that captures something essential and enduring about life that no other book has expressed in quite the same way. Here unfolds a journey of discovery–in a story that ...

Mercedes Lackey, Rachel Lee, Catherine Asaro

Charmed Destinies: 3 Novels in 1

Three new stories of timeless love and tantalizing fantasy . . . "Counting Crows" by Mercedes Lackey In Lady Gwynhefar's dark, lonely court, her only ally was noble Sir Elloran, a warrior willing to fight for her honor. ...

<<<  Chartreuse Braun. Me My Kid & Hollyweird: ...             Hazel Soan. Vibrant Watercolours (Collins Learn to Paint S.) >>>

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