Jonathan M. Woodham

A Dictionary Of Modern Design

Book DescriptionFrom Jacobsen to Tupperware, this fascinating new dictionary of Modern Design covers the period from the mid-nineteenth century to the end of the twentieth. Over 2,000 entries on names and movements from the past 150 years of design ...

Jean Karotkin

Body & Soul: The Courage and Beauty of Breast Cancer Survivors

Book DescriptionAt the time Jean Karotkin was diagnosed with breast cancer, she found herself at a stage in her life she had never anticipated. In the wake of a troubled marriage, she had no true identity of her own and her self-esteem was gone. ...

Gervasio Sanchez

Cinco anos despues (Vidas minadas) : Bilingual edition

Book Description Coinciding with the fifth anniversary of the signing of the Ottawa Convention to ban land mines, this bilingual photo essay depicts how the lives of four young victims of land mines have evolved since they were featured in the ...

Kevin M. McCarthy

Over Southeast Florida

Book DescriptionSoutheast Florida?the magic tip of the Florida peninsula. Charles Feil offers it to you from a bird?s-eye view, or rather, the view from his little gyroplane, Rooty Kazooty, as he buzzes over the beach, the cities, the ...

<<<  Gennadiy Koufay. Art of Gennadiy Koufay             Hazel Soan. Vibrant Watercolours (Collins Learn to Paint S.) >>>

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