USA International Business Publications

Brazil Business Law Handbook

Book DescriptionThis law handbook contains information on basic business legislation, laws and regulatoins affecting export-import, business, foreign investments, property rights, taxation and banking. (Updated annually) ...

Roger A. Shiner

Freedom of Commercial Expression (Law)

Book DescriptionCourts in the United States, Canada, and Europe currently grant constitutional protection to commercial advertizing. This book examines critically the case for freedom of commercial expression. Roger Shiner argues that the ...

Margaret E. J. Boderick

Passion v. Arrogance: A Dana & Goliath Story of Wine, Women and Wrong!

Recounts the compelling story of a small Midwestern, women owned winery, their impressive start and international growth, the difficult business decision to close and the results from the business world. The story captures the excitement,commitment ...

Geoffrey Walford

Investigating Educational Policy Through Ethnography (Studies in Educational Ethnography, V. 8)

Book DescriptionWithin the United Kingdom questions about the relevance of educational research and its relationship to policy have recently been the centre of a prolonged, public and sometimes acrimonious debate. The chapters in this book ...

<<<  Tripp Friedler. Free Gulliver: Six Swift Lessons In Life Planning             Ю. А. Гуркин, В. И. Грицюк. Справочник семейного ... >>>

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