Metaheuristics for Multiobjective Optimisation (Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems)

Book DescriptionThe success of metaheuristics on hard single-objective optimization problems is well recognized today. However, many real-life problems require taking into account several conflicting points of view corresponding to multiple ...

Edwin L., Jr. Miller

The Lifecycle of a Technology Company: Private Placements, IPOs & Public Company Registration - Tools & Strategies for Successfully Navigating the Next ... of a Technology Company (Numbered))

Book DescriptionAt every stage of a technology company's growth cycle it faces different challenges, opportunities and legal issues. The Lifecycle of a Technology Company series addresses such issues in separate, distinct volumes to give readers ...

Understanding Supply Chains: Concepts, Critiques, and Futures

Book DescriptionIn recent years, Supply Chain Management has gained greater attention from academics and managers concerned to improve process efficiencies; and take best advantage of information technology and inter-organizational networks and ...

Richard Tyler

Real World Team Building Strategies That Work: A Power Learning Book (Power Learning)

Book DescriptionNo theoretical principles here. You get real world strategies from experts who work in the trenches day in and day out. ...

<<<  Alexander Chernev. Essential Marketing Frameworks and Concepts             Ю. А. Гуркин, В. И. Грицюк. Справочник семейного ... >>>

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