Robert M. Monczka

Purchasing and Supply Chain (with InfoTrac)

Book Description Purchasing and Supply Chain Management, 3e is a turnkey solution for providing current and thorough coverage for this critical area of the supply chain. This book is not only a text but a reference as well and is now established as ...

Svetlozar T. Rachev

Fat-Tailed and Skewed Asset Return Distributions : Implications for Risk Management, Portfolio Selection, and Option Pricing

Book DescriptionWhile mainstream financial theories and applications assume that asset returns are normally distributed, overwhelming empirical evidence shows otherwise. Yet many professionals don’t appreciate the highly statistical models ...

Michael Treacy

Double-Digit Growth : How Great Companies Achieve It--No Matter What

Amazon.comAfter Michael Treacy finished writing his bestseller, The Discipline of Market Leaders , he continued to track the companies profiled to answer one major question: how do market-leading companies foster growth? In Double-Digit ...

Henry Dahut

Marketing the Legal Mind

Book DescriptionSupported by more than one hundred candid interviews with top law partners across the United States, this best-selling law practice management book reveals how law firms can become marketing giants by learning a new conceptual ...

<<<  Ephraim Clark. Arbitrage, Hedging, and ...             Ю. А. Гуркин, В. И. Грицюк. Справочник семейного ... >>>

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