Ronald D. Knutson, J.B. B. Penn, Barry L. Flinchbaugh

Agricultural and Food Policy, Fifth Edition

The new edition of this popular book provides timely, comprehensive, highly readable, and authoritative treatment of issues important to food and agriculture today, including broad coverage of current policy issues affecting the food and agriculture ...

Tsjeard Bouta

Gender, Conflict, And Development

Book DescriptionGender, Conflict, and Development was written as an effort to fill a gap between the Bank?s work on gender mainstreaming and its agenda in conflict and development. The authors identify a link between gender and conflict issues ...

Ernest J., III Wilson

The Information Revolution and Developing Countries (The Information Revolution & Global Politics)

Book DescriptionIn this book Ernest Wilson provides a clear, nuanced analysis of the major transformations resulting from the global information revolution. He shows that the information revolution is rooted in societal dynamics, political ...

Colin Crouch

Capitalist Diversity And Change: Recombinant Governance And Institutional Entrepreneurs

Book DescriptionOver the last decade the neo-institutionalist literature of comparative capitalism has developed into an influential body of work. In this book, Colin Crouch assesses this literature, and proposes a major re-orientation of the ...

<<<  The Cambridge Economic History of Modern Britain: Volume 3, Structural ...             Ю. А. Гуркин, В. И. Грицюк. Справочник семейного ... >>>

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