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Martin J. Wiener English Culture and the Decline of the Industrial Spirit, 1850-1980
Book DescriptionEngland was the world's first great industrial nation yet, paradoxically, the English have never been comfortable with industrialism. Drawing on a wide array of sources, Martin Wiener explores the English ambivalence towards modern
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Wayne Snyder Httel Des Mousquetaires: Following a Dream Without Losing Your Shirt
Book DescriptionHOTEL DES MOUSQUETAIRES tells the story of two retired American academics living in France who are intrigued by an abandoned hotel for sale in the Basque region. This book reveals their adventures when they purchase and renovate the
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Jeremy Kendall The Voluntary Sector
Book DescriptionA short introduction to the UK's voluntary sector, using an international comparative perspective to place the UK voluntary sector in perspective, this book considers its scope, scale and structure, as well as the impact of voluntary
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Labor and the Globalization of Production : Causes and Consequences of Industrial Upgrading
Book Description This book brings together the work of international economist, labor economists and sociologists in a far-reaching study of global production networks and the challenges they pose for developing country workers. A number of both
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