Tony Robinson

Worst Jobs In History: The Most Unenviable Jobs Of The Last Two Thousand Years

Book DescriptionThis is a no-holds-barred look at the most unenviable jobs of the last two thousand years. Tony Robinson sets out to investigate life in the underbelly of history. Whether it's swilling out the crotch of a knight's soiled armor after ...

Philip J. Adelman

Entrepreneurial Finance: Finance for Small Business, Third Edition

Book DescriptionTargeting readers who wish to learn more about the financial aspects of entrepreneurship, this book provides financial statements for every type of business, not just corporations; and includes balance sheets that show a negative ...

G. William Quatman

The Architect's Guide to Design-Build Services

Book DescriptionThe definitive resource for designer-led projects The Architect's Guide to Design-Build Services offers authoritative knowledge and industry insight to architects considering entry into the burgeoning practice of design-build ...

Revealing the Corporation: Perspectives on Identity, Image, Reputation and Corporate Branding

Book DescriptionAn international and multidisciplinary collection of works capturing the quintessence of the corporation and its inner and outer manifestations. Drawing on their wide experience the editors have assembled a portfolio of works from ...

<<<  Intelligent Learning Infrastructure for Knowledge ...             Souvenir de Moscou. Альбом фотографий. Набор фотографий видов Москвы, сделанных ... >>>

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