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James A. Anderson, Edward Rosenfeld Talking Nets: An Oral History of Neural Networks
"Talking Nets is a fascinating book. . . . Anyone with a serious--or even half-serious--interest in neural networks, or in the history of AI or cognitive science, should read Talking Nets." -- Margaret A. Boden, Times Literary Supplement Since
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Ian N. Gregory A Place in History: A Guide to Using GIS in Historical Research (AHDS Guides to Good Practice)
Maps, censuses and other sources of geographic and demographic information are common reference tools for historians, but integrated computer hardware and software systems designed for the preparation, presentation, and interpretation of such
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Maryjane Dunn, Linda Kay Davidson The Pilgrimage to Compostela in the Middle Ages
Nine new studies address the phenomenon of the medieval pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela, the legendary burying place of St. James.
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Richard Weston Key Buildings Of The Twentieth Century: Plans, Sections, Elevations
Newly-drawn scale drawings of 100 significant and influential buildings brought together for reference in one handy volume. This book provides the essential data for landmark buildings of modern architecture. Arranged chronologically for
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