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Jafar Savoj, Behzad Razavi High-Speed Cmos Circuits for Optical Receivers
The exponential growth of the number of internet nodes has suddenly created a widespread demand for high-speed optical and electronic devices, circuits, and systems. The new optical revolution has replaced modular, general-purpose building blocks by
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Geoff Barnbrook Meaningful Texts: The Extraction Of Semantic Information From Monolingual And Multilingual Corpora
This book, largely derived from work being carried out by the partners of the TELRI (Trans-European Language Resources Infrastructure) projects, reflects the growing influence of corpus linguistics in a variety of areas such as lexicography,
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Derek Partridge Artificial Intelligence and Software Engineering: Understanding the Promise of the Future
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND SOFTWARE ENGINEERING Understanding the Promise of the Future The computer is a surprisingly seductive device. It tempts us with the promise of its great power, but also entices the unwary to overstep the bounds of
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Gary B. Shelly, Thomas J. Cashman, Phillip J. Pratt, Mary Z. Last Microsoft Access 2002 Introductory Concepts and Techniques
Part of the highly successful Shelly Cashman Series, Microsoft Access 2002 Introductory Concepts and Techniques provides step-by-step instructions accompanied by full-color screen shots, helping students learn basic skills quickly and easily.
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