Bryan Pfaffenberger

Linux Clearly Explained

Linux Clearly Explained is the first book to help beginners take Linux and the GNOME desktop seriously as an alternative to Microsoft Windows and Mac OS. Instead of dragging the reader through outmoded text-based shells and applications, Linux ...

Hong Xing Li, Vincent C. Yen

Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Decision-Making

The increasing number of applications of fuzzy mathematics has generated interest in widely ranging fields, from engineering and medicine to the humanities and management sciences. Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Decision-Making provides an introduction to ...

Julie B. Bliss, Sandra DeYoung

Working The Web: A Guide for Nurses

William Paterson Univ., Wayne, NJ. Pocket-sized navigational tool for Internet exploration. Covers everything from the basics of getting started to Internet precautions. Listings of nursing web sites provide related resources. Includes companion web ...

Ifip Tc8, Wg8.3 International Conference on Context-Sensitive Decision, Dina Berkeley, George Widmeyer, Patrick Brezillon, Vladislav Rajkovic, International Federation of Information Processing, Dian Berkeley, d Berkeley

Context-Sensitive Decision Support Systems

In today's rapidly changing educational and business climate, organizational transformation has become a key area of development for many different and varied environments, both commercial and academic. This book addresses issues related to ...

<<<  Chris Peters. AS/400 TCP/IP Handbook             Дмитрий Янковский. Вирус бессмертия >>>

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