Dana L. Wyatt, Robert J. Oberg

Introduction to Visual Basic Using .NET

VB programmers, both experienced and beginning, will find that this book provides an introduction to the .NET Framework and Visual Studio. NET. It examines the basic coding constructs of the language and explores the design of object-oriented ...

Paul Mutton

IRC Hacks

IRC has continued to grow in popularity since its inception. Millions of people from all over the world now use IRC to chat with friends, discuss projects and collaborate on research. With a simple, clearly defined protocol, IRC has become one of ...

Angela B. Shiflet

Problem Solving in C++: Including Breadth and Laboratories, Second Edition

This text introduces the beginning computer science student to the analysis, design, implementation, testing, and debugging of programs using ANSI C++, and to the breadth and richness of the computer science discipline. With ample use of examples ...

Sandra D. Schlotzhauer, Ramon C. Littell

SAS System for Elementary Statistical Analysis, Second Edition

This updated edition shows how to use the SAS System to perform basic statistical analysis. General topics include creating a data set with the SAS System; summarizing data with descriptive statistics, frequency tables, and bar charts; comparing ...

<<<  Steve Kovsky. High-Tech Toys for Your TV: Secrets ...             Дмитрий Янковский. Вирус бессмертия >>>

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