Anil Desai, James Chellis

MCSE: Windows Server 2003 Active Directory Planning, Implementation, and Maintenance Study Guide (70-294)

Significant changes have been made to the MCSA and MCSE programs in order to provide a clear career path for IT professionals supporting Windows Server 2003. Sybex, winner of "Best Study Guides" in 2002 Readers' Choice Awards, offers ...

Jeannine Hall Gailey, Jeannine Gailey

Understanding Web Services Specifications and the WSE

Gain insight into some of the advanced Web service specifications that have been proposed to enhance the functionality of SOAP-based messaging while maintaining the interoperability of Web service applications. This essential guide details the ...

Edmund M. Clarke, Orna Grumberg, Doron A. Peled

Model Checking

" Model Checking is bound to be the pre-eminent source for research, teaching, and industrial practice on this important subject. The authors include the foremost experts. This is the first truly comprehensive treatment of a line of research ...

Xiaoping Jia

Object Oriented Software Development Using Java (2nd Edition)

This book teaches readers how to write well-designed object-oriented programs. Added to learning to write well-designed, medium-sized object-oriented programs are new topics such as testing, the iterative software development process, UML, and the ...

<<<  Matt Voerman. Macromedia Flash MX 2004 Certified Developer Study Guide             Дмитрий Янковский. Вирус бессмертия >>>

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