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Jan Axelson Embedded Ethernet and Internet Complete
Bringing together two areas of computer technology—networking and embedded systems—this developer's guide offers guidance and examples for each of these, with a focus on the special requirements and limits of embedded systems.
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Reid Shay Impacting Business: A Simple Model of IT Management
Book DescriptionUnderstand what managing information technology means, why you need to do it well, and how best to do it. If you manage information technology, or work with people that do, you need to understand the management process. IT Management
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Frank Carrano, Walter Savitch Data Structures and Abstractions with Java
Written by best selling authors Carrano and Savitch, this object-oriented book is designed and built with object-oriented issues and JAVA in mind. With a focus on the specification and implementation of ADTs, this book also shows the reader how to
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Joel Durham Jr., Edward Chen Build Your Own High-Performance Gamer's Mod PC
Rev it up, take it into overdrive, and transform your ordinary desktop PC into a cool looking, high-performance gamer’s mod PC. Learn to acquire and install the latest CPUs, the largest hard drives, and the fastest RAM. Plus, tweak sounds and
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