Roy S. Alonzo

Upstart Guide Owning & Managing Bar or Tavern

Running a bar or tavern is one of the most popular choices for entrepreneurs who want to operate a small business. But it's risky business for those who go into it uninformed. This book provides the essential information on planning, financial ...

Jack J. Phillips, Patricia P. Phillips

In Action: Building a Successful Consulting Practice

Whether you're already a consultant or thinking about taking the leap, here's a book that will help your business survive and thrive. Case studies of successful consulting organizations-with an emphasis on the human resources development ...

Louis Columbus

Exploring LANS for the Small Business & Home Office

Part of Prompt Connectivity Series, Exploring LANs for the Small Business and Home Office covers everything from the fundamentals of small business and home-based LANs to choosing appropriate cabling systems. Columbus puts his knowledge of computer ...

L. Perry Wilbur

Money in Your Mailbox : How to Start and Operate a Successful Mail-Order Business (Small Business Series)

A treasure trove of guidance, ideas, resources and information that will lead to new horizons of money-making profits and success. Coverage includes ways to beat the competition, product-service suggestions, the latest direct mail ideas along with ...

<<<  Ronald L. Krannich, Caryl Krannich, Ron Krannich. The Treasures ...             Bernardo Kliksberg, Luciano Tomassini. Capital social y cultura: ... >>>

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