Mien Segers, F. J. R. C. Dochy, Eduardo Cascallar

Optimising New Modes of Assessment: In Search of Qualities and Standards (Innovation and Change in Professional Education, ?1)

This is an essential book for all those concerned with the field of assessment. The authors of this book form an international group of distinguished experts in the field of assessment. They address relevant and timely conceptual and practical ...

Carrie Paechter, Open University

Knowledge, Power and Learning (Learning Matters)

New technologies are altering the relationship between knowledge, power and learning. The explosion of information resulting from the proliferation of Internet use has led to new questions about the nature of knowledge and how it is legitimated. At ...

Moira Green

NOT! The Same Old Activities For Early Childhood

This new multi-cultural, anti-bias text offers a refreshing approach to combining science, math, social studies, music and art with whole language for children aged 3-6. Child-initiated, hands-on activities encourage children to explore which ...

Walter M. Sharp, Anthony A. Olinzock, Otto Santos

Keychamp: Individual User

KeyChamp is a text and self-contained software program designed to develop students' keyboarding speed in the shortest time possible. Speed is maximized by the unique technique analysis for two-stroke key combinations (digraphs) during timed ...

<<<  Phillip C. Schlechty, Phillip C. Schlechty. Inventing Better Schools: ...             Bernardo Kliksberg, Luciano Tomassini. Capital social y cultura: ... >>>

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