Mark V. Pauly, Mark V., Ph.D. Pauly

Health Benefits at Work: An Economic and Political Analysis of Employment-Based Health Insurance

The majority of Americans receive their health insurance for themselves and their families through their job. The employee pays a portion of the premium but the employer chooses the type and amount of coverage offered as well as administers the ...

Jeff Taragano

Health Cents: Isn't It Time Your Health Insurance Wrote You a Check

In his role as Chief Operating Officer, Jeff Taragano has saved corporations millions of dollars. He achieved this through corporate reorganization and cost reduction techniques--obtaining substantial refunds by auditing bills, recovering ...

Robert E. Wright, George David Smith

Mutually Beneficial: The Guardian and Life Insurance in America

Mutually Beneficial tells the story of the evolution of The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America, one of the most important life and health insurers in the history of the U.S. economy and life insurance industry. Relying on ...

Stanley B. Block, Geoffrey A. Hirt

Foundations of Financial Management, 10th Edition: Self-Study Software CD-ROM + Powerweb + FREE SG

Overview: Foundations of Financial Management is a proven and successful text recognized for its excellent writing style and step-by-step explanations to make the content relevant and easy to understand. The text's approach focuses on the "nuts and ...

<<<  Michelle Eagles. From Heaven to Earth: ...             Bernardo Kliksberg, Luciano Tomassini. Capital social y cultura: ... >>>

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