David Bunnell

Making the Cisco Connection : The Story Behind the Real Internet Superpower

Cisco Systems is known among the technology elite in Silicon Valley as one of the most successful companies to emerge from the Valley in many years. It has been dubbed computing's next Superpower. Just as Intel and Microsoft soared to ...

М. А. Козлов, И. М. Олигер

Мир животных: Зоологическая энциклопедия. Холоднокровные позвоночные животные

Зоологическая энциклопедия "Мир животных" - попытка впервые после знаменитой "Жизни животных" А.Брема представить книги, которые в яркой, занимательной и доступной форме рассказывают не только о внешнем виде и образе жизни животных, но также дают ...

William Sullivan

Entrepreneur Magazine: Human Resources for Small Businesses

The next best thing to hiring a human resources professional If you need help managing the people side of your small business, you're in luck! This comprehensive, practical guide supplies everything you need to know to manage human resources ...

Roger A. Kaufman

Mega Planning: Practical Tools for Organizational Success

Mega Planning involves significant stakeholders in defining success and then identifies what each person and part of an organization must do to succeed. The author uses proven techniques, and covers the basic `how-to's' of quality ...

<<<  Madhav S. Phadke. Quality Engineering Using Robust Design             Bernardo Kliksberg, Luciano Tomassini. Capital social y cultura: ... >>>

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