Peter Montiel

Macroeconomics in Emerging Markets

This accessible textbook in macroeconomics is designed specifically for emerging economies. It provides a textbook model that upper-level undergraduate students use to understand economic events in their countries, and separate analysis of the key ...

Roger Palmer, Richard Brookes

The New Global Marketing Reality

Marketing practices have fundamentally changed over the past decade. This book documents the nature of these changes, examines their impact on marketers and marketing, explains the results of a major international study into the changing nature ...


The Best Business Stories of the Year: 2003 Edition (Best Business Stories of the Year)

A year’s worth of the most interesting, noteworthy, and best-written articles on all aspects of the business world. “Amid Global Turmoil, Wild Times in Trading Afghanis” by Daniel Pearl, from The Wall Street ...

Michael Brosnan, John Messina

Telecommunication Expense Management

This straightforward book will provide you with the insight necessary to save your organization revenue through the processes of bill auditing, expense reduction, and savvy contract negotiations. Information technology professionals will find the ...

<<<  Harvard Business School Press. Presentations That Persuade ...             Bernardo Kliksberg, Luciano Tomassini. Capital social y cultura: ... >>>

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