Jonathan G. Silin, Carol Lippman

Putting the Children First: The Changing Face of Newark's Public Schools

Putting the Children First chronicles the educational struggle that took place in the city of Newark amidst years of political upheaval and economic neglect. It is a story of inspiration and hope as we come to understand what happened when ...

Kraig Kramers

CEO Tools: The Nuts-n-Bolts of Business for Every Manager's Success

Written by an eight-time veteran CEO, this book equips managers everywhere with the right business tools to accelerate business results dramatically for themselves, their employees and their customers. Kraig Kramers cites experiences from running ...

Christine W. Letts, William P. Ryan, Allen Grossman

High Performance Nonprofit Organizations: Managing Upstream for Greater Impact

Nonprofit leaders are beginning to confront the most important unfinished business of their sector. Having invented scores of successful model programs to address virtually every type of social problem or goal, they are discovering that large-scale, ...

Thomas Wolf

Managing a Nonprofit Organization in the Twenty-First Century

Since this classic work was originally published in 1984, there have been major shifts in the nonprofit world -- the growth of more profit-oriented ventures, the overhaul of accounting rules, new partnerships, and an emphasis on ...

<<<  David M. Armstrong. How To Turn Your Company's Parables Into ...             Bernardo Kliksberg, Luciano Tomassini. Capital social y cultura: ... >>>

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