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Len Silverston The Data Model Resource Book, Vol. 2: A Library of Data Models for Specific Industries
A quick and reliable way to build proven databases for core business functions Industry experts raved about The Data Model Resource Book when it was first published in March 1997 because it provided a simple, cost-effective way to design
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Haim Mendelson, Johannes Ziegler Survival of the Smartest: Managing Information for Rapid Action and World-Class Performance
Drawing on the innovative concept of Organizational IQ and a study of companies in seventeen countries, Survival of the Smartest charts a course for managers to follow into the twenty-first century. At the heart of the book is the authors'
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Colin Coulson-Thomas The Knowledge Entrepreneur: How Your Business Can Create, Manage and Profit from Intellectual Capital
This unique book puts a whole new spin on knowledge management. Rather than re-stating the importance of the knowledge economy, or detailing methods of knowledge management or acquisition, it explores how businesses can exploit their knowledge and
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Time to take control : The impact of change on corporate computer systems
Time to Take Control provides reasonable and effective guidelines for successfully using computers to improve the workplace. This is a perfect book for anyone who wants to increase the productivity and flexibility of their business. The
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