John A. Warden III, Leland A. Russell

Winning in FastTime: Harness the Competitive Advantage of Prometheus in Business and Life

Developed at warp-speed and designed for overwhelming victory, the Desert Storm air campaign lit up the skies of Baghdad and changed strategic thinking forever. Now, John Warden - architect of the Desert Storm air campaign - and his partner, ...

Louis V. Gerstner

Who Says Elephants Can't Dance?: Leading a Great Enterprise through Dramatic Change

Who Says Elephants Can't Dance? sums up Lou Gerstner's historic business achievement, bringing IBM back from the brink of insolvency to lead the computer business once again.Offering a unique case study drawn from decades of experience at ...

Dennis Sherwood

Seeing the Forest for the Trees: A Manager's Guide to Applying Systems Thinking

Following the groundbreaking work of such best-sellers as The Fifth Discipline and The Living Company, SEEING THE FOREST FOR THE TREES delivers the tools and techniques to make systems thinking a part of daily decision making to solve complex ...

Thomas W. Dombroski

Creative Problem Solving: The Door to Individual Success and Change

For too many people, problems, roadblocks, or failure to find the right path stand in the way of success. In Creative Problem-Solving , Thomas W. Dombroski shows us how to remove the roadblocks by attacking problems creatively and clearing ...

<<<  Marilyn H. Crockett, Diane T. Felenstein, Dale Burg. ...             Bernardo Kliksberg, Luciano Tomassini. Capital social y cultura: ... >>>

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