Andrew R. Karabinos

The 11 Elements of Prudent Investing

To know how to invest wisely requires more than just learning how to evaluate a stock. You need to know yourself, your requirements and your acceptable risk level, how the stock fits your investment strategy, and its place in the economy at this ...

Ron Peterson, Gavin D. Cutshall

Solomon's Riches

"Everything you need to know about making money in the markets can be found in the Bible." This comment by a very successful investor is explained with real life examples designed to make the reader a better investor. ...

John Emmett Kirshman

Principles of Investment, Part 1

1924. Other volumes in this set include ISBN number(s): 076616134X. Volume 1 of 2. This work was written in the interest of all who desire to know more about the very practical matter of investment. It is addressed to professional and business men, ...

Charles Patel, Ed Hargitt

Technical Trading Systems for Stocks & Commodities

This book is a gold mine of information for systems-oriented traders and should be regarded as a major contribution to the body of literature on the topic. Most books on systems deal primarily with the steps and procedures involved in developing ...

<<<  Julian Walmsley. New Financial Instruments ...             Bernardo Kliksberg, Luciano Tomassini. Capital social y cultura: ... >>>

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