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George Fisher The Streetsmart Guide to Overlooked Stocks : A Guide to Investing in the Best Overlooked Stocks for Superior Returns
Strategies to uncover tomorrow's stock price leadersbefore the market bids them out of sight Today's stock market is filled with highpotential companies that, for one reason or another, have slipped beneath the radar
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A. Gary Shilling Deflation: How to Survive & Thrive in the Coming Wave of Deflation
Selected as one of the "Best Business Books of the Year" by Library Journal , Deflation provides tools for investors to protect their assets and invest profitably in deflationary times, a post-inflation economic environment that few
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Alexander Paris Complete Guide to Trading Profits
With over three decades of experience in the investment field, Alexander Paris is one of the best known economists and investment strategists in the business. He is currently president of Barrington Research Associates, a research brokerage firm
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Frank J. Fabozzi, Robert Paul Molay Perspectives on Equity Indexing, 2nd Edition of Professional Perspectives on Indexing
This is the second edition of Professional Perspectives on Indexing. Contents include the active versus passive debate, Standard and Poor's U.S. equity indexes, medium and small capitalization indexing, global equity index families, investing in
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