David Goodman, Michael Watts

Globalising Food: Agrarian Questions and Global Restructuring

Big Macs, chickens and cut flowers are commodities beginning to dominate the global agro-food system. Using case studies from the US, Britain, India, South Africa, New Zealand and Latin America, Globalising Food addresses the key themes that are ...

Robert A. G. Monks, Robert A.G. Monks

The New Global Investors: How Shareowners can Unlock Sustainable Prosperity Worldwide

" As in his previous work, Bob Monks? s unique analytical insight and eloquence address the turbulent relationship between corporate ownership and social responsibility. What makes The New Global Investors exceptional is the degree to which ...

Frank Hoy, John Stanworth

Franchising: An International Perspective

This is a unique collection of articles that offers a handpicked selection of the main outstanding 'classic' works in franchising knowledge. Researchers, students, professional advisors and anyone with a serious interest in the development of this ...

Sumila Gulyani

Innovating With Infrastructure: The Automobile Industry in India

How do industrial firms in developing countries contend with and survive acute shortages of physical infrastructure? Sumila Gulyani examines the impact of inadequate power and freight transportation on the costs and competitiveness of Indian ...

<<<  International Monetary Fund. Monetary and Financial Statistics ...             Bernardo Kliksberg, Luciano Tomassini. Capital social y cultura: ... >>>

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