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Jim Norwine, John R. Giardino, Sushma Krishnamurthy, Suchma Krishnamurthy Water for Texas (Texas A&M University Agriculture Series)
More than the economy, more than changing demographics, even more than education, water is the key to the future of Texas. It is not much of an overstatement to claim that water is the future of Texas. In the fall of 2000, a conference on "the
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Peter A. Furley The Forest Frontier: Settlement and Change in Brazilian Roraima
Destructive patterns of Amazonian evolution are now endangering Northern Brazil--driven by the gold rush and demographic and economic forces from the South. The Forest Frontier assesses whether the Northern Amazonian states can avoid
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Susan E. Owens, Richard Cowell, Susan Owens Land and Limits: Interpreting Sustainability in the Planning Process (Global Environmental Change)
In a new and critical analysis, this book explores the impact of an influential idea - sustainable development - on the institutions and practices governing use of land. It examines the paradox that in spite of increasing attention to
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Simon Guy, Elizabeth Shove The Sociology of Energy, Buildings and the Environment : Constructing Knowledge, Designing Practice (Global Environmental Change)
Focusing upon energy conservation and the built environment, this book engages with areas of debate and policy currently dominated by technologists and natural scientists. Based upon empirical research, the book develops a sociological analysis of
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