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Kris Olds, Peter Dicken, Philip F. Kelly, Lily Kong, Henry Wai-Chung Yeung Globalisation and the Asia-Pacific: Contested Territories (Warwick Studies in Globalisation)
This impressive collection of leading, interdisciplinary experts explores various dimensions of globalization, and their relationship to development processes in the region. Globalisation and the Asia-Pacific provides diverse accounts of how
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Richard L. Stroup, Roger E. Meiners, W. Kip Viscusi, foreword by W. Kip Viscusi Cutting Green Tape: Toxic Pollutants, Environmental Regulation, and the Law
Hundreds of hazardous waste sites are on the Superfund National Priority List in the United States, and thousands more could become eligible. The Superfund has spent or ordered the spending of billions of dollars, with little apparent impact on
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Jefferey M. Sellers, Jeffrey M. Sellers Governing from Below: Urban Regions and the Global Economy (Cambridge Studies in Comparative Politics)
Cities play a growing role in governing. This new role fits within a context that nation-states, global market forces and cities themselves continue to define. The analysis of this book focuses on how local efforts in the distinct European systems
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Kavita Pandit, Suzanne Davies Withers Migration and Restructuring in the United States
The United States in the last half century has undergone rapid and fundamental changes as economic restructuring, aging, and increasing cultural and ethnic diversity profoundly alter its national character. This groundbreaking book examines the
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