Timothy P. Kessler

Global Capital and National Politics: Reforming Mexico's Financial System

Kessler provides a detailed case study of Mexican financial policy reform as well as a comparison of financial collapse in other emerging markets. He shows how political challenges can distort the economic liberalization process in developing ...

C. Philip Kearney, Michael F. Addonizio

A Primer on Michigan School Finance 2002

A valuable resource aimed at helping Michigan citizens and legislators understand the state's K-12 school finance system. ...

Elizabeth Francis

Making a Living: Changing Livelihoods in Rural Africa

Livelihoods in rural Africa are changing in response to disappearing job prospects, falling agricultural output and collapsing infrastructure. This book explains why the responses to these challenges are so different in different parts of Africa. ...

Richard Robison, Mark Beeson, Kanishka Jayasuriya, Kim Hyuk-Rae

Politics and Markets in the Wake of the Asian Crisis

The fallout from the crisis in Asia has been immense. Asia's position as the global economy's growth engine is no longer tenable. Politics and Markets in the Wake of the Asian Crisis puts the crisis in its global context, reassessing its impact on ...

<<<  Jeffrey L. Funk. Global Competition Between and Within Standards: ...             Donald E. Kieso, Jerry J. Weygandt, Terry D. Warfield. ... >>>

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