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Alliance for Safe Driving License to Drive in California (License to Drive (Paperback))
"License to Drive in California" is the most up-to-date, totally integrated Califorinia State-specific solution to driver education. Using a realistic approach, it covers all major driver education issues, with an emphasis on safety and defensive
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Servicing TV, Satellite and Video Equipment
A genuinely practical hands-on guide for service engineers -- including a new section on the latest digital equipment. Previous editions of this unique `hands-on' fault-finding book became the guide and mentor for thousands of service
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Annesa Hartman Producing Interactive Television (Internet Series)
The concept of Interactive Television (ITV) is not an easy one to pin down. It has taken many forms, spurned good and not-so good connotations, and has confused the public and experts alike. Producing Interactive Television aims to unravel the
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Jeanne H. Bradner Leading Volunteers for Results: Building Communities Today
Some volunteer efforts are less successful than they could be because those in charge don't know the principles of volunteer management. Others are not successful because those in leadership don't exercise their leadership capacities. This book,
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