Richard Carlson

Don't Sweat the Small Stuff with Your Family : Simple Ways to Keep Daily Responsibilities and Household Chaos from Taking Over Your Life (Don't Sweat the Small Stuff Series)

In his number one national bestseller, Don't Sweat The Small Stuff, Richard Carlson, Ph.D., showed listeners how not to let the small things in life drive them crazy. In Don't Worry, Make Money, also a number one bestseller, he ...

Stephen Lambert, Julie DeGalan

Great Jobs for History Majors

Great Jobs for History Majors helps students explore career options within their field of study. Every aspect of the job-search process is covered, including assessing talents and skills, exploring options, making a smooth transition from ...

Marshall Goldsmith, Beverly L. Kaye, Ken Shelton

Learning Journeys: Top Management Experts Share Hard-Earned Lessons on Becoming Great Mentors and Leaders

Learning Journeys presents a message about the power of learning in the race for success, with personal stories from prominent management thinkers and change agents. It offers lessons reflecting key learning moments in life and career. Presenting ...

Shaun Belding

Winning With the Boss from Hell: A Guide to Life in the Trenches (Winning With the . . . from Hell)

This job survival guide offers real-life strategies for dealing with the officious boss. Employees are introduced to the FIRST approach, which advocates flying below the radar, ignoring, retraining, standing one's ground, and talking turkey. ...

<<<  Kathy Waddill. The Organizing Sourcebook : Nine Strategies ...             Donald E. Kieso, Jerry J. Weygandt, Terry D. Warfield. ... >>>

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