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Schon L. Beechler, Allan Bird Japanese Multinationals Abroad: Individual and Organizational Learning (Japan Business and Economics Series)
This book brings together research on the spread of Japanese multinational firms around the world. The authors' research includes firms operating in the United States, Germany, Spain, Mexico, Italy, as well as countries in Southeast Asia. The
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T. W. Hutchison, Terence Hutchison On the Methodology of Economics and the Formalist Revolution
This collection of essays examines the methodological problems confronting economists in the face of two major developments in the second half of the twentieth century. The first is the vast increase in the number and variety of writings on the
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Natali Hritonenko, Yuri Yatsenko, Iu. P. Iatsenko Mathematical Modeling in Economics, Ecology and the Environment (APPLIED OPTIMIZATION Volume 34)
The book covers a wide range of known models, from classical (Cobb--Douglass production function, Leontief input--output analysis, Verhulst--Pearl and Lotka--Volterra models of population dynamics, etc.) to the models of world dynamics and the
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H. Geman, D. Madan, S. R. Oliska, T. Vorst Mathematical Finance - Bachelier Congress 2000
The Bachelier Society for Mathematical Finance, founded in 1996, held its 1st World Congress in Paris on June 28 to July 1, 2000, thus coinciding in time with the centenary of the thesis defence of Louis Bachelier. In his thesis Bachelier introduced
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