David Western

Booms, Bubbles and Busts in the US Stock Market

An extremely user-friendly overview of the ins and outs of one of the discipline's favorite institutions - the US stock market. Things have changed a great deal since the heady days of the 1980's and we are now entering an era of profound ...

Phillip J. Nelson, Kenneth V. Greene

Signaling Goodness : Social Rules and Public Choice (Economics, Cognition, and Society)

Political, intellectual, and academic discourse in the United States has been awash in political correctness, which has itself been berated and defended -- yet little understood. As a corrective, Nelson and Greene look at a more general ...

Sergey Khrystenko

Intellectual Sphere Economy

The problems of a constant resumption of the creation process of the intellectual values and the intellectual services have not so far been considered in the economic literature for a number of reasons: first: an intellectual sphere has not been ...

Catharine B. Hill, Malcolm F. McPherson

Promoting and Sustaining Economic Reform in Zambia (Harvard Studies in International Development)

This collection of essays examines Zambia's efforts to promote economic reform during the 1990s. Following the restoration of democratic rule, the Government of Zambia adopted an ambitious program designed to stabilize the economy and lay the ...

<<<  Hagen Bobzin. Indivisibilities: Microeconomic Theory With Respect to ...             Donald E. Kieso, Jerry J. Weygandt, Terry D. Warfield. ... >>>

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