Jack Valenti

Speak Up with Confidence: How to Prepare, Learn, and Deliver Effective Speeches

Public speaking is one of the most intimidating and important aspects of many jobs. As a one-time speechwriter for President Johnson, and in his current position as president of the Motion Picture Association of America, Jack Valenti has written and ...

David Pinder, Brian Slack

Shipping and Ports in the Twenty-First Century: Globalization, Technological Change and the Environment (Ocean Management and Policy Series)

The rapid change of pace in the global economy and the importance of understanding the roles played by port and shipping systems in both enabling and responding to this economic dynamism provides the rationale for this new book. ...

KimMarie McGoldrick, Andrea L. Ziegert

Putting the Invisible Hand to Work : Concepts and Models for Service Learning in Economics

Service learning is an experiential learning pedagogy that enables students to integrate their study of economics in the classroom with service activities in their communities. It can enhance both economic literacy and the quality of our ...

Franklin M. Fisher, Karl Shell

Economic Analysis of Production Price Indexes

This is a book on the theory behind the construction of production index numbers. Well-known examples of such indexes are the Gross Domestic Product, the Producer Price Index, and labor productivity. Fisher and Shell provide the analysis behind this ...

<<<  Hamid Seddighi, K. A. Lawler, A. V. Katos, H. R. Seddighi. ...             Donald E. Kieso, Jerry J. Weygandt, Terry D. Warfield. ... >>>

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