Martin Campbell-Kelly

From Airline Reservations to Sonic the Hedgehog : A History of the Software Industry (History of Computing)

From its first glimmerings in the 1950s, the software industry has evolved to become the fourth largest industrial sector of the US economy. Starting with a handful of software contractors who produced specialized programs for the few existing ...

Fred Hirsch

Social Limits to Growth (Twentieth Century Fund Study)

Social Limits to Growth sets forth a new view of the nature and the limitations of economic growth. The author’s central argument is that there are indeed limits to growth currently exist and are essentially social rather than ...

Jason Makansi

An Investor's Guide to the Electricity Economy (Wiley Finance)

Energy Investing that gets beyond the hype 2001 was perhaps the most tumultuous year in the modern history of the energy industry. As with telecommunications, computer and information technology, and Internet/e-commerce businesses over the ...

Medard Gabel

Global Inc.: An Atlas of the Multinational Corporation

"In the future there will be two kinds of corporations; those that go global, and those that go bankrupt."?C. Michael Armstrong, CEO, AT&T Of the 100 largest economies in the world, 53 are corporations. A handful of corporate giants ...

<<<  Gary P. Schneider. New Perspectives on E-Commerce ...             Donald E. Kieso, Jerry J. Weygandt, Terry D. Warfield. ... >>>

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