Jon R. Katzenbach, Rcl Team, Frederick Beckett

Real Change Leaders: How You Can Create Growth and High Performance at Your Company

This updated paperback edition offers a real blueprint for how to deal with the dramatic change in today's marketplace. An added feature, "Real Change Leader's Handbook for Action, " contains an assessment guide, ideas, checklists, and charts to ...

James G. Clawson

Level Three Leadership

I cannot resist a suggestion which embodies all of my hopes for the school. It is that nothing will ever induce us to lay aside instruction in the ethical foundations of American business. Without a firm attachment to unimpeachable integrity, in our ...

Donna Fisher

People Power: 12 Power Principles to Enrich Your Business, Career & Personal Networks

What makes us successful at work? Our technical skills? Our professional knowledge? Most of us know it is people and the nature of our relationships with them that make for influential and quality connections connections that give us an inside ...

Ken Smith

Pay Attention! I'm Your Customer ... and the Reason You're in Business

User-friendly business book to be appreciated by both consumers and providers in the service industry. Years of training and motivational experience are presented in a humorous, common sense manner that anyone can relate to. Included are a ...

<<<  Norma M. Riccucci. Women, Minorities, and Unions in the Public ...             Donald E. Kieso, Jerry J. Weygandt, Terry D. Warfield. ... >>>

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