Gordon Lafer

The Job Training Charade

Job training has long been promoted as a central policy response to poverty and unemployment. Both Democrats and Republicans have trumpeted training as the answer to everything from welfare to NAFTA. The Job Training Charade provides a comprehensive ...

Patrick Renshaw

The Wobblies: The Story of Iww and Syndicalism in the United States

The story of how the Wobblies, the Industrial Workers of the World, planned to combine the American working class into one big labor union. ...

Leslie A. Perlow

Finding Time: How Corporations, Individuals, and Families Can Benefit from New Work Practices (Collection on Technology and Work)

Why do Americans work so hard? Are the long hours spent at work really necessary to increase organizational productivity? Leslie A. Perlow documents the worklife of employees who assume that for their own success and the success of their ...

Christopher Stephen. Barnard, John Nix

Farm Planning and Control

Although there are many motives for farming, the achievement of a worthwhile financial return, coupled with a good standard of living, ranks high among them. This implies the need for sound business organisation - the more so as holdings become ...

<<<  Loretta D. Foxman. The Executive Resume Book             Donald E. Kieso, Jerry J. Weygandt, Terry D. Warfield. ... >>>

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