Davis Dyer, David B. Sicilia

Labors of a Modern Hercules: The Evolution of a Chemical Company

Labors of a Modern Hercules traces the evolution of the Hercules Corporation from its beginnings as as a small maker of explosives to its current status as a multimillion dollar, multinational chemical company. More than a business history, the ...

Steve Scott, Steven K. Scott

A Millionaire's Notebook: How Ordinary People Can Achieve Extraordinary Success

Steve Scott held and lost nine jobs in his first six years after college. He was told more than once that he would never succeed. Yet this former corporate failure not only became a multimillionaire himself, more than forty others have become ...

Bob Nelson

Please Don't Just Do What I Tell You, Do What Needs to Be Done : Every Employee's Guide to Making Work More Rewarding

Release the Power and Potential of Every Employee. Have you ever wanted a book you could share with everyone who works for you -- a book that gives employees the tools they need to make their work more rewarding and help the ...

Marsha Sinetar

To Build the Life You Want, Create the Work You Love: The Spiritual Dimension of Entrepreneuring

Discover your life's work and gain inner satisfaction and personal meaning with this inspiring, practical guide. In this sequel to her phenomenal bestseller Do What You Love, the Money Will Follow , Marsha Sinetar shows you how to put her ...

<<<  Flora Miller Biddle. The Whitney Women and the Museum They Made             Donald E. Kieso, Jerry J. Weygandt, Terry D. Warfield. ... >>>

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