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Stanley L. Brue The Evolution of Economic Thought
The Evolution of Economic Thought, 6/e presents the history of economics and the philosophies that drive the economic way of thinking. It stresses the importance of understanding contemporary economics, by grasping new ideas, evidence, problems and
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Alvin E. Roth, Marilda A. Sotomayor Two-Sided Matching: A Study in Game-Theoretic Modeling and Analysis (Econometric Society Monographs, No 18)
Two-sided matching provides a model of search processes such as those between firms and workers in labor markets or between buyers and sellers in auctions. This book gives a comprehensive account of recent results concerning the game-theoretic
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Florin Aftalion, Martin Thom The French Revolution: An Economic Interpretation
The economic history of revolutionary France is still a neglected area in studies of the revolution of 1789. While some attention has been given to the condition of the peasants, the urban working classes and the financial crisis of the Ancien
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Donald M. Pattillo Pushing the Envelope: The American Aircraft Industry
Pushing the Envelope , a survey history of the American aircraft (now aerospace) manufacturing industry, is the most comprehensive history on the subject ever completed. Though it covers the development of the industry from the beginnings
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