Robert Goldscheider

The LESI Guide to Licensing Best Practices: Strategic Issues and Contemporary Realities

A definitive resource for professionals in licensing and technology management In this comprehensive guide to licensing best practices, esteemed members of the Licensing Executives Society International offer in-depth discussion of a broad ...

Richard D. Harroch

Business Contracts Kit for Dummies (With CD-ROM)

If you think that hard work and good decision-making are the only keys to running a successful business, think again. Although these issues are critical in any business endeavor, in reality it is the paperwork that is key to creating and maintaining ...

E. John Larsen

Modern Advanced Accounting

Larsen's Advanced Accounting provides complete and in-depth coverage of the topics typically taught in a one- or two- semester advanced accounting course. Faculty appreciate the current coverage of FASB and GASB regulations, the wealth of thorough ...

Less Antman

Wiley CPA Examination Review Focus Notes, 4A?A Volume Set (Wiley Focus Notes)

The new computerised CPA exam goes into effect in early 2004. Focus Notes provides a review of all the basic skills and concepts tests on the CPA exam and teaches important strategies to take the exam faster and more accurately. Wiley Focus Notes ...

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