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Robert Goldscheider The LESI Guide to Licensing Best Practices: Strategic Issues and Contemporary Realities
A definitive resource for professionals in licensing and technology management In this comprehensive guide to licensing best practices, esteemed members of the Licensing Executives Society International offer in-depth discussion of a broad
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Richard D. Harroch Business Contracts Kit for Dummies (With CD-ROM)
If you think that hard work and good decision-making are the only keys to running a successful business, think again. Although these issues are critical in any business endeavor, in reality it is the paperwork that is key to creating and maintaining
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E. John Larsen Modern Advanced Accounting
Larsen's Advanced Accounting provides complete and in-depth coverage of the topics typically taught in a one- or two- semester advanced accounting course. Faculty appreciate the current coverage of FASB and GASB regulations, the wealth of thorough
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Less Antman Wiley CPA Examination Review Focus Notes, 4A?A Volume Set (Wiley Focus Notes)
The new computerised CPA exam goes into effect in early 2004. Focus Notes provides a review of all the basic skills and concepts tests on the CPA exam and teaches important strategies to take the exam faster and more accurately. Wiley Focus Notes
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