Darwin Porter, Danforth Prince

Frommer's London 2007 (Frommer's Complete)

Frommer's LondonA 2007 is the only guide you'll need to plan the perfect trip to London. We'll show you the city's best, including the world-class theaters and pub scene. You'll get insider tips on shopping on Oxford Street, enjoying ...

Charlotte Cotton

The Photograph as Contemporary Art (World of Art)

The first accessible guide to the key artists and uses of photography in contemporary art since the mid-1980s. An ideal introduction to this popular subject in contemporary culture, this highly readable book surveys work by more than 150 ...

Jay Forman

Capture Your Kids in Pictures: Simple Techniques for Taking Great Family Photos with Any Camera

Using stunning yet unintimidating photographs and simple techniques, this photography guide teaches parents or grandparents how to take better photographs of their children. The images are the main teaching tools, so the reader is not bogged down by ...

Among Wild Horses: A Portrait of the Pryor Mountain Mustangs

Wild horses roaming free under the big skies of Montana and Wyoming. The image is a powerful symbol both of the nobility of the horse and of the pioneer spirit of the American West. But do these wild creatures really still exist? They do, and ...

<<<  John Freeman. The Photographer's Guide ...             Patrice Farameh. Cool Spots: Miami/ South Beach >>>

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