Sara E. Wermiel

Lighthouses (Norton/Library of Congress Visual Sourcebooks in Architecture, Design & Engineering) (Norton/Library of Congress Visual Sourcebooks in Architectur)

A pictorial survey of the icon of steadfastness and strength: the American lighthouse. The newest addition to the Norton/Library of Congress series, this abundantly illustrated book conveys the romance and beauty of lighthouses and ...

David R. Diaz

Barrio Urbanism: Chicanos, Planning and American Cities

This, the first book on Latinos in America from an urban planning/policy perspective, covers the last century, and includes a substantial historical overview the subject. The author traces the movement of Latinos (primarily Chicanos) into ...

Arian Mostaedi

Great Spaces: Cabins

? Small spaces maximized by internationally renowned architects ? From the author of the popular Great Spaces: Small Houses Great Spaces: Cabins features more than twenty-five examples of cabins that go way beyond the ...

O'Brien's Collecting Toy Cars & Trucks 4th Edition (Paperback) (Collecting Toy Cars & Trucks)

Built tough enough to withstand the demands of any collector, this indispensable identification and price guide, now in it's 4th edition, has been completely updated. The trusted name in collecting toy cars and trucks provides readers with over 300 ...

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