Dante Alighieri, Robert M. Durling

The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri: Volume 2: Purgatorio (Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri)

The second volume of Oxford's new Divine Comedy presents the Italian text of the Purgatorio and, on facing pages, a new prose translation. Continuing the story of the poet's journey through the medieval Other World under the guidance of the Roman ...

Jack Zipes

Beautiful Angiola: The Lost Sicilian Folk and Fairy Tales of Laura Gonzenbach

"The Sicilian tales in Beautiful Angiola are a revelation; not in their originality, because like all great collected folk and fairy tales they are universal. . . . What a wonderful collection for any folklorist, Italian and especially ...

Czeslaw Milosz: Conversations (Literary Conversations Series)

Czeslaw Milosz (1911-2004) felt that part of his role as a poet and critic was to bear witness to bloodshed and terror as well as to beauty. He survived the Soviet invasion of his beloved Lithuania, escaped to Nazi-occupied Warsaw where he joined ...

Bronwen Wilson

The World in Venice: Print, the City, and Early Modern Identity (Studies in Book and Print Culture)

Positing a dynamic relationship between print culture and social experience, Bronwen Wilson's The World in Venice focuses on the printed image during a century of profound transformation. City views, costume illustrations, events, and ...

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